Welcome to the Bondage 101 Guide to pet and animal Play. With being a primer one of the considerations that you’re going to need to consider is the idea of human pet play. How you’re going to stop playing and to allow the pet to come out of the pet space. Maybe you want them to paw you in a certain way. Or get them to play with a shoelace, pick up a particular toy, or nibble on your ankles. It’s important for a pet to acknowledge that they’re happy, but they’ve just had enough role playing for the day.
A most important thing to consider with this type of pet play – is what you’re both looking to get out of this.
After you’ve had your discussion, about the things that you’re interested in doing and why, then you should agree on a safe word. There is an in-depth article in the safety section of this website which discusses the idea of a safe word in more detail. But basically the safe word means that the play needs to stop immediately and the scene needs to end at once.
Maybe a kitten or puppy, after being swatted for doing something seemingly naughty feels bad and then starts to get emotional. Or maybe the owner is feeling uncomfortable about a particular scene or scenario. But either way the safe word should be used as a way to immediately stop a scene. And to talk about what is happening and what went wrong.

Pet And Animal Play
When it comes to the idea of puppy, kitten or other animal play then you need to consider and hammer out the details of the pet play before engaging. You, or your partner might already have all the ideas in your head, but so that you’re not each faced with surprises it is still something which will need to be discussed.
As a dominant, this section is geared towards dominants. It is your duty to give your kitten/puppy other animal some details as to what kinds of things are off limits when engaging in play. If you can successfully do this then you have already managed to increase the level of their headspace.
A first detail which should be worked out is the idea of movement.
Most people prefer to be engage in pet play on their hands and knees, as that is the primary thing that will increase their headspace. You will need to talk to your partner as they may have underlying conditions which means being on their hands and knees for prolonged periods of time might be uncomfortable for them.
Are They Allowed on the Furniture?
Another detail which should be considered is – whether or not they’re allowed on the furniture. Do they get to curl up on the couch next to you or are they only allowed on the floor.
Another detail is the idea of punishment. Since it is a master/submissive form of play it is inevitable that some form of punishment will come into the scene. For example if your pet isn’t allowed on the furniture and they decide to jump up on it, what are you going to do?
Punishment is something that you definitely need to talk with your partner about beforehand. You might find it hot and arousing to swat them away with the palm of your hand in the form of a spank, or a rolled up newspaper. But your partner might immensely dislike this. It could annoy the hell out of them and disrupt their headspace and ruin the scene.
Does punishment involve corporal or physical punishment? Or does it mean that their ‘food’ is taken away? Or do they get locked or chained up?
What about the learning processes?
There are two ways that this can be done. You could talk to each other as humans and devise a set of rules and punishments. Or you can conduct the learning like you would a real kitten/puppy through trial and error.
Other considerations include food, the toilet and vocalisation.
Are they allowed to use a human voice? Do they need to try and indicate to you what they want through the noises of the animal that they have chosen?
We all know that kittens and puppies love making messes all around the house whether that be through trawling through the trash, or swatting things off the benches and everything in between. Is this type of play acceptable or is it something that’s completely off limits? These are the considerations that you need to make.
One of the considerations that people do not want to make is the idea of the toilet.
Pets don’t usually use the human toilet, so what are you going to do when your human pet needs to use the toilet? Are they allowed to break out of the space, for a few minutes and go? Or is there some other arrangement needed?
Most people will allow their pets to use the toilet when they have to do anything other than peeing. Some people will get their pets to pee in the bathtub and others will let them use the toilet. Humiliation and degradation aspect is what comes in at this point.
A final consideration that you will have to make is with food.
We do not recommend feeding pet food to humans for extended periods of time. Not only does it not taste that great. But the nutritional needs for animals and humans are vastly different. If you’re using pet food for a specific scene one day every now and then then that’s perfectly okay. But don’t forsake the nutritional needs of each other. If you’re looking for the authentic kind of look the cereal in a bowl usually works really well next to a bowl of water.
Pet play can be as simple or as complex as you like it to be.
That’s not to say that you have to engage in all of the above considerations. You might only want to choose one or two of them, and the idea of using the bathtub as a toilet is just not your thing. That’s perfectly okay. But you just need to ensure that you are both on the same page with your expectations. And getting what each of you want out of the type of play that you’re engaging with.
Now that we have gone through some of the considerations of pet play – let’s go through the specific animals of pet play.
Kitten Play
Kitten play is a specific sub-category under pet play, which is a sub-category of BDSM. Within the space of kitten play there are several roles which people can take on. We’ll cover that here in the kitten play basics.
When people think of kitten play they imagine a person dressed up in a kitten outfit with cute little ears and a tail running amok around the house like an overgrown cat – sporting a diamante collar.
That scenario is exactly what it might be for some people that like to engage in kitten play. For others it might not be. Kitten play, like all forms of animal play, can be adjusted to suit your personal play style or the style of your partner. There are no sets of rules when it comes to kitten play – there’s really only one rule; to have fun.
What Can You Do To Get Into Kitten Play?
There are several ways in which you can get into this – and you can do this gradually. The first thing that you might want to try and do is to get some kitten gear. You might want to try out a pair of ears, a collar or even a tail. Make sure that you don’t go all out for your first set of gear, because you might not even like them and that is perfectly okay.
Ask yourself the following question when you get them – do you feel comfortable? If you do then that’s amazing and great. But if you’re not then that’s perfectly okay as well, as we have mentioned nothing in kitten play is a must – and if someone is insisting or forcing that you wear them then feel free to tell them to get the hell out of your space.
Does Kitten Play Have To Be Sexual?
No. Nor do you need a master in kitten play. You’re more than capable of enjoying kitten play whether you’re alone, with close friends or family or in any other way that you want to express your kitten side of you. There’s zero need for any relationship in kitten play of any kind.
Whilst some people do like the idea of a master as it ties in with the Master and Submissive aspect of BDSM is not a core component for kitten play or any form of animal play at all. With the same token there’s no need to be a sexual kitten either. Whilst some people are more than happy to take their kitten play to the bedroom, it’s not a requirement to be a part of the kitten community.
What Type Of Kittens Are There?
A kitten can be any part of the feline family from tigers, to house cats, all felines will fall under the umbrella of kitten play.
Behavioural Traits Of Kittens
A feline’s behaviour is usually based on the size and age of the cat. The behaviour of a small ragdoll kitten is going to be very different from that of a feline tiger. Not all felines and players will have the same personality and it’s about finding what works best for you and what you’re trying to achieve.
Each take on feline play is going to be very different, with that in mind we have listed a set of behaviours which may or may not be in the feline’s personality, they also may or may not accurately reflect the behaviour of a kitten.
Traits may include
- Sunbathing.
- Stalking prey/objects.
- Playing chase.
- Climbing.
- Scratching.
- Nuzzling.
- Purring.
- Scent marking (with the face).
- Claiming areas or people by sitting on them.
- Vocalising (meowing or roaring).
Okay – so now what?
So you have a new kitten. They behave like a kitten. Play like a kitten. Some people feel like it’s an activity that they’ll quickly get bored in. Once you start engaging in a form of pet play it usually will roll quite naturally if you have had the proper discussions and have clear expectations.
If you’re stuck in thinking about the future here’s a few games and things that you can play with.
Sure it sounds a little odd but bubbles are a fantastic way to keep your kitten entertained and use it as a form of exercise as well. Have your kitten sit there on all fours while you open up a bottle of bubbles. You could also use a bubble machine which are cheap, easy to run and produce mass quantities of bubbles.
There are few ways you can approach this game – your kitten can be tasked with popping as many of the bubbles as they can before they hit the ground using only their nose. They can be rewarded for every bubble that they pop, or they can be spanked for every bubble that hits the ground.
To spice it up you could even use restraints to limit their movement, or tie a rope to their legs. Much amusement can be had when they forget about the rope and aim for a bubble that’s now out of their reach.
Kitten Balls with bells
You’ve all seen these small little balls that are perfect for kittens to play with that have the small jingly bells inside. These can be quite fun to play with if you have a bunch of them.
Simply blindfold the kitten, grab a handful and then run them down the kittens back and let them roll and creep across the floor. Once they have settled the kitten needs to find as many as they can in a certain time period using only their mouth to grab the balls and bring them back to you one at a time.
You could even add little messages to the balls that include tasks and punishments to add a sexy little game to it as well.